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Showing posts from 2015

PADI Scuba instructor course at the Gili Islands

Another PADI scuba instructor course at the Gili Islands has successfully finished. The Instructor Development Course candidates, Chrys and Brad, are since yesterday afternoon a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor! Their journey started 3 weeks ago with the free IDC preparation. The IDC preparation brush the candidates diving skills and diving knowledge. The IDC preparation is also a time that the candidates will know each other, dive together, have a laugh together, and were Oceans 5 tries to create a groups atmosphere. After the IDC preparation the real IDC starts. PADI Course Directors Joeri van Hal and Sander Buis has put a 11-12 days program together. This program is so build that the candidates become confident diving instructors. The course directors are using their real life experiences for teaching and Oceans 5 is providing the newest teaching methods from PADI, like the PADI library, PADI touch, and more during the instructor course classroom presentations. Oceans 5 has

FREE year-round IDC preparation at Oceans 5 Gili Air in Indonesia

Oceans 5 IDC Dive Resort Now Offering IDC Preparation Year-Round Oceans 5, an Indonesian dive resort on Gili Air, is now offering free IDC preparation courses all year long. For divers who dream of becoming dive instructors, participating in a PADI instructor course is a necessary step in making dive instructing a career. Oceans 5 knows how important it is to be prepared for these courses and has expanded their IDC preparation classes from a week before IDCs start to a year-round offering. These classes put divers at an advantage for the IDC by getting them comfortable with dive knowledge and diving skills. Oceans 5 is a PADI 5 star Career Development Dive Center, the highest rating within PADI for a dive center. This is reflected in the facilities and instructors of Oceans 5. There is a 25 meter training pool, specially made for scuba diving, an AC-ed classroom with a coffee corner, a bar, a restaurant and lots of relaxing areas. The IDC preparation classes will not be c

PADI IDC Gili Islands in Indonesia

The last few weeks there was a Gili Islands PADI IDC at PADI Career Development Resort Oceans 5 in Indonesia. Oceans 5 has 3 candidates Ari, Suz and Pedro. The PADI IDC at Oceans 5 is conducted over 10-12 days. During these days PADI Course Director Sander Buis will teach the candidates to become a PADI Instructor. He introduces workshops in the course to explain thing more easily, and gets the candidates more than ready for the PADI IE. Sander has excellent staff that will helps him during the PADI IDC Gilis. Gili Islands PADI IDC with IDC dive Resort Oceans 5 and PADI Course Director Sander BuisGili Islands PADI IDC with dive Resort Oceans 5 Gili Airand PADI Course Director Sander Buis Joeri is a PADI Master instructor and is accepted for the June CDTC. He will be the second in the house PADI Course Director of Oceans 5. Giny is having fun with her PADI IDC Staff Instructor Course. She will, when she is ready, the 3rd PADI in the house PADI Course Director of Oceans 5.